Mac M1 + Xcode + Cocoapods | Quick Fix

Arslan Rafique
2 min readApr 25, 2022


pod install is going crazy?

Getting architecture error:

(mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘x86_64’, need ‘arm64e’))

Working on an enterprise application? where you need to keep DevOps/CI in mind before making any changes to scripts?

Alright then, just use following aliases in terminal:

Aliases — The Four steps for freedom:

Alias is just a shortcut-command:
E.g. Jerry Seinfeld = Jer

1 — Open Bash/Zsh Profile:

I use Vim, you can use whatever you want, like nano or code etc..

Run following in Terminal:

vi ~/.zshrc

It will open your Bash/Zsh profile, your treasure.

At the end of that file, paste following commands from Step 2 and 3:

2 — For XCode:

alias xcoder=”arch -x86_64 /Applications/”

3 — For Terminal, so you can install cocoapods:

alias xterminal=”arch -x86_64 /System/Applications/Utilities/”

4 — Slap your Bash/Zsh profile so it can recognise your Aliases:

source ~/.zshrc

And we are all set.


The Aliases we added are going to run your application with x86_64 support.

To Run XCode, in terminal type:


To Run Terminal with x86_64 support, so you can in terminal type:


Now you can use pod install like you used to do.

For those who are not interested in scripts etc.., use following mouse based option:

Apply following steps on both your XCode and Terminal to get the similar results as above scripts.

1 — Open Application

Your Mac(Desktop) > Go > Applications

2 — Enable Your Selected Application to open with Rosetta:

Right click on the application you would like to open with x86_64

And check the Open with Rosetta

As I mentioned before, to not create a disaster at our CI/DevOps, we follow them, once they are good for M1, we go back to being Apple.

It is not a long term fix, but should work for now.




Arslan Rafique
Arslan Rafique

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